I was talking to my kids about Easter a week or two ago and their little eyes were getting bigger and bigger as I reminded them about the Easter bunny and all his treats. Also there is the little matter of the dying of the eggs. Kids LOVE that stuff. (moms do, too).

Grace went so far as to declare "Easter might be even. better. Than. CHRISTMAS. MOM!!!!!!" I feel like kindergarten has made her sort of dramatic.

Today I'm busy catching up on client work and long past due emails. But there is an end in sight! We are hopefully taking a road trip to upstate New York tomorrow morning and we'll be gone for a couple of days. On the agenda: reacquainting ourselves with grass and trees, antiquing, a children's museum in Rochester, and lots of together time. No computers bigger than phones allowed. I can't wait and my fingers are crossed that Michael won't get tied up in last minute work (poor guy works too hard - love you, baby).

I've got two posts lined up for Thursday and Friday that you won't want to miss. Lots of really amazing readers' project submissions. If you have any sort of interiors or DIY projects that haven't been featured elsewhere that would be a good fit for LGN, shoot me an email: jenny @jennykomenda.com. I'd love to see what you've been up to.

Alright, back to the old ball and chain. I'm glad I had some left over yellow and pink flowers from the arrangement on my bookshelf. These little blooms and the promise of a mini vacation are keeping me going today.

{P.S. the artwork leaning on my window ledge is from Paper Mojo - posted about it here}


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