Yesterday I did a lot of reflecting on 2009. It was a big year for me and my husband and our careers. He graduated from law school and started a clerkship and I really committed to growing and developing my design business.

It's crazy to think that in January '09 I was getting just about 5,000 visits to LGN per month. Now I get twice that many every day! This has been really exciting for me and gives me the motivation to keep blogging and to work harder with Pearl Street Interiors.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all your support and for spreading the word about my little offering to the blog world. To show you my gratitude, I've got some great giveaways planned for the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

And, for my newer readers (and those who like to reminisce), here are some of my favorite design posts of 2009:

January: LOTS of Children's Rooms

and Painting Interior Doors

February: Using miniblinds to make custom fabric shades

and a living room mock up

March: Make an ottoman out of a coffee table

Our Cambridge bedroom and adventures in spray painting upholstery

April: Love seats at the foot of the bed??

May: Wing Chair Inspiration

and a Special Delivery

June: A client's fun before and after

July: Dover Living Room, here and here

August: My mom's Living Room

and Dining Room

and my Monogrammed Umbrella Stand

September: The Girls' Room

October: My Office

November: Our Dining Room and the projects (parts 1 and 2)

December: A recent client project

Did I leave out any of your favorites?


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