I upholstered two diamond tufted headboards this year for clients and I'm about to start on my third and fourth for my girls' room. Here's a little sneak peek of the first (definitely not perfect, but still pretty) headboard I made. Room reveals and tutorials are on the way!

I <3 metallic linen.

So now that I have a little bit of diamond-tufting practice under my belt, would you call me crazy to want to attempt one of these?...

The settee fabric designing took a turn for the better (thank goodness) and I think I'll be ready to bang out that project this weekend. So now it's time to start ordering fabric/gathering supplies if I'm really going to make this ottoman. Might as well bang it all out while I'm the upholstering zone.

I've been surprised by how much we miss having a big ottoman for the kids to roll around and play on. And wouldn't this be so pretty in our place?

Also, today's Babble post shares couple of ideas (some old, some new) for 'wallpapering' a wall, without really wallpapering.


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