I was a busy little bee this weekend, running around trying to get ready for a client install this week. Saturday I stopped by the Chelsea Flea (which, did you hear? This is their last month in the parking garage? Beginning in September they move down a block to an outdoor lot and I'm not excited.) **UPDATE: The garage will continue to operate as a weekend flea market on a month to month basis going forward! Yay!**

Anyway, I found lots of art and accessories for the installation, but I also found this pretty little settee that I couldn't pass up.

Here's the back view. I love the little nail heads! They are super teeny and cute. Can you believe our luck in somehow getting a handicap accessible minivan cab? I wish that would work out for me every trip to the flea market! It was so easy to load in and out all of our finds!

I was hoping the settee would fit on the little wall next to my pantry, but it doesn't really. So I moved the entry console to the pantry wall and put the new settee in it's place. Now it's a perfect for putting on shoes.

(sorry for the nighttime photos...)

Isn't it so CUTE and so little?! I love the scale!!

The leather is in bad shape so I'll need to add it to the list of pieces to reupholster. Wouldn't tomato red linen look beautiful with the mahogany wood frame? I have some inspiration images in mind that I'll need to dig up to share. Also considering black and white stripes.

How was your weekend? Is it just me or is 2011 absolutely flying by?

Today on Babble, I share an ingenious, budget-friendly idea for decorating your kitchen. Here's a hint:


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