My Grandpa Russell was a really talented woodworker. I used to love to go out to his workshop and watch him measure (and remeasure) before cutting each piece of wood. It makes me endlessly happy to think of him and how he approached life and work - he was so precise, methodical, and dedicated. He used to always say "Anything worth doing is worth doing right."

Grandpa liked modern and clean-lined houses and furniture, so most everything he built was simple but well-designed. He would have liked the shelves in this nursery and this banquette.

Desire to Inspire

It wouldn't take more than a trip to the lumber yard and a $35 hand saw to make these pieces in a weekend.

Have you ventured into the world of wood working? I've done only little projects, but some day I'd love to try something on a larger scale - like a big coffee table or a desk.


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